Yesterday was a perfect day for the kayaking. Not too hot, not too sunny. We headed down to the water about 11:00 AM and were soon we were paddling across the open water. The area we were in is dotted by many small hummocks and oyster beds, when we arrived at low tide they were all exposed. Various water birds were gorging themselves on they exposed oysters and small stranded fish. We crossed the bay to paddled among the hummocks and back into lanes of sea grasses, then out into open water again. It was a very different experience the creeks of Lee County. (No alligators on the shores). Along the edge of the water was a series of small homes set up high on stilts with long walkways to docks in the water. Every dock was inhabited by several ahingas (snake birds because of their long necks) and pelicans that we enjoyed creeping up on until they flew away. At one dock we watched an old coupled (yes Janet Bragg they were really really old) and their dogs take off in their speed boat. We paddled around for about 3 hours before stiff backs and arms we returned to our RV.

One of our reasons for returning to Cedar Key was the food. Although it is a small town the restaurants are outstanding. Tonight we were going to Tony's Seafood. Tony's is renown for their clam chowder. They claimed the Newport, RI chowder crown three times in succession and entered the Chowder Hall of Fame. I, of course, started with a cup, Tom, not a chowder fan, skipped it. Our main courses were excellent! Cajun Seafood over rice for me and Teriyaki Shrimp over Rice for Tom. Tom even ate the peas in his rice! After consulting with Sue and Glenn in Ohio, were purchased 3 large cans of chowder to take home and a quart of chilled chowder for me. Is chowder a good breakfast?
With all of that food in us, we needed to walk a bit so we strolled through the various shops along the waterfront, ending our evening on a restaurant deck for a margarita, hoping for a beautiful sunset that never happened.